New Worlds

The New worlds or another world a concept that most people want to be the happening thing… the solution to all problems… the new American Dream… except this time even better than the last time. But that change is something that looks distant and distinct. The above map is a sample of what could be the new worlds. This is based on very simple facts that there is still large reservoirs of oil in Canada and Venezuela and there is huge amount of lithium in Chile, Brazil and Australia. Best of all they actually imply the actual word get it! But based on the current state of cosmic affairs i had to included the Mars and Moon (M&M) into the equation as they are by far the largest source of mining in the near future. The advancement of Reusable rockets and the rapid pace at which Private companies are rushing to make rockets as if they are airplanes it is becoming obvious that there is a huge Demand or Need Scarcity, it is always silent before the big break for good or bad. Not many understand but reusable actually means you are not waiting for the manufacturing time for every rocket if a rocket is reusable it would only be manufactured once in bulk or based on order and they can be flown on a regular basis with Maintenance of course! Secondly, it would become a “one time investment”. That would push the prices down and more and more companies are and will try to copy and make more and we have a surplus.

“Earth has the highest gravity in the solar system”

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