Mars Direct 2.0 – Dr. Robert Zubrin – IAC 2019

Dr. Robert Zubrin presents a new version of his famed Mars Direct plan using SpaceX’s upcoming Starship and Super Heavy.

The Mars Society would like to extend its thanks to Martin Millnert for providing the audio and video footage from this event.

From the 2019 International Astronautical Congress in Washington DC on October 26, 2019.

Apollo 11

Jai SpaceYuga!

High Performance Computing

  • What do super computers do ?
  • How many supercomputers does India have vs Veto powered USA and CHINA (1 Billion) ?
  • Can CHINA or USA hack into Indian PM or Presidents bank, email or mobile devices ?
  • What are Quantum computers ? What is D-wave and why are there so many supercomputers in America?
  • Can CERN be called a Semi conductor factory ? And can CERN beat Intel in creating the next Pentium IV?

We have moved from room sized systems that were used in MIT and UC Berkley (or Timesharing, Mainframe systems) to Desktop /Palmtops but can a MIT grade supercomputer that solved logistical solutions for World War I be compared to your mobile phones ? Are we headed into the era where in order to Normalise and maintain big data we would need to go back to Heavy electronics i.e. Room sized computers ? In order to solve the challenges on quantum physics is CERN going to discover a Far more powerful Computer that can scrap all the classical computers worthless…?

Happy Birthday to States Reorganisation Act, 1956

  1. Does racism still exist in Modern India ? Does Trimurti Symbolise 3 races (or Clans some being endogamy) Bengali, Dravidian, Indusans (or Sindhis) with Bramha, Siva and (V)ishnu ?
  2. Are we still living in an illusion that India is truly Swaraj ? Is India being played with the so called Intellect game (Vyuham)?
  3. Is India a (Sub) Continent or a Country ? Why cannot India have a Model similar to Europe bringing in other allies ?
  4. Does every State/Region in India enjoy Democracy ?
  5. Why is a state government model (etc Gujarat) more efficient with less corruption than that of a centralised government (With corruption in crores of Rupaaya)?

Politicians think that British have looted India but no one realises it is still exactly the same just the terms changed instead of taxes it just turned into Corruption serving the exact same purpose but only with a different foreigners who wear sarees, ponytails, boy cuts and Gadas! What a Bofors Scandal we live in? You think you got Swaraj and then they bring What’s ra’s? Following the Newtons first law of Motion changing the course of flow when it was in Rest !

Watch his video to learn more…

Why can’t we just use the article 370 and create 3 semi-autonomous regions like tibet there is already a North, North-East and South regional bias(more like Spain, France and Germany) that is ingrained into everyone and its better to run India as 3 Provinces rather then single huge entity for the sake of Economic progress and since the Soviet Union has collapsed like a despicable loser why can’t we now try this approach to improve India and get ourselves out of this deadlock ? Maybe 1-2 of these subregions can have a NPT signed for the sake of energy and improve the quality of life for all Indians ? Or maybe another region can declare itself as a Hindu State as there is non in the whole world ! We can use the same article and make Uttar Pradesh a religion state.

To any ones surprise if they search on google they will come to know there are not uncommon. Indians are brainwashed to secularism so much that not on question whether there do exist any (official State religions) and you will come to know they are many with official state religion even Christianity one of them is Vatican City but one among many such with state religion. Yes, there are more than one. We can’t make all of India, there is just many fragmented factions it will not give a beginning to any. Plus maybe we can use this article to give channel to some regions for Dual citizenship or so, just like Europeans. Unity is diversity right!

In Accordance with geology terms and definitions simple put India has its own tectonic plate so it has the right to call itself a continent erst while ago India plate itself was not in contact with Asia and would have been defined a continent if is still floated in between the ocean. By the definition of how Europe and Australia claim Continent title so can India. Then Why not ?

India needs to acknowledge the racial assimilation and mixed races or else it would lead to more impending problems rather them turning a blind eye that it does currently. The real reason for actually making India a country which is almost as big as a continent to become a country is because India had to join the beggar status of Common wealth. If India were to call itself a single country they would allow us to join this so call group but the fact is we would have been far better off if we did not have done so. We would not have been lock jammed into this post world war cold blocks.

The socialism stand point had created the exact opposite of what was expected. There is a saying that you can take a cow to a river but you can’t make it drink why? it’s not thirsty or that Nandi wants ganja! Even if you redistribute would they want it? In the end if they don’t want, a portion is gone waste and this is the bullshit of redistribution and you know what it doesn’t serve the purpose. This so called intellectual bullshit takes a standpoint that the one who preaches it is somehow omnipresent and all knowing omnipotent when they are clearly not!

5 Biggest Lessons From This Year’s Traders Carnival

The seventh Traders Carnival came to an end in Mumbai last week. The who’s who of the trading community gathered under one roof to share their expertise. From options trading to the Gann theory, the event covered a whole host of subjects. Here are five key takeaways from the event:

  1. The Big Lesson “Cutting your losses” is the biggest lesson that Atul Suri has learnt from this stock market. While a successful trade is measured in terms of money made, it is also measured on how small the losses were. “This market will give you opportunities. The problem is that most people are unable to cut their losses because their ego gets in the way and that’s where they get eliminated.
  2. The Two Sides Of (Trading Options) Coin One is an options buyer while the other is an options writer. Yet, Chandan Taparia of Motilal Oswal and options strategies PR Sundar have created wealth for their clients. In this interview, both Sundar and Chandan Taparia talk about how their own trading ways are beneficial and also how options buying and writing can be a risky bet.
  3. The How, The What & The Why Of Writing Options How writing options is useful in making money? What to do with your options when you are bullish and bearish? Options strategist Jegathesan Durairaj explains how it works, depending on the way he views the market.
  4. Do Your Own Research! (Can’t Emphasize Enough) When we asked JC Parets of AllStarCharts about how he manages to read 5,000 charts in a week, his answer was “I don’t know why others don’t!” Preferring to stay away from the fundamentals of a stock, Parets uses RSI (Relative Strength Index) as one of the major indicator for analysing a chart.
  5. Trading And Psychology Does ego play a key role in executing a trade? It does. For stock traders, a losing trade is a wrong trade. People start to doubt their system and skills and search for newer methods when that happens, said Rakesh Doshi, a member-broker of the National Stock Exchange. In this session, Doshi talks about conditioned behaviour and various other aspects related to a trader’s

Courtesy: BloombergQuint