Vizag Fishery : Big Fish video the Whale Sharks

Whale Sharks feed on a wide variety of planktonic (microscopic) and nektonic (larger free-swimming) prey, such as small crustaceans, schooling fishes, and occasionally on tuna and squids. Also, phytoplankton and macroalgae may form a component of the diet.

Unlike most plankton feeding vertebrates, the whale shark does not depend on slow forward motion to operate its filtration mechanism. Rather, it relies on a versatile suction filter-feeding method, which enables it to draw water into the mouth at higher velocities than these dynamic filter-feeders, like the basking shark. This enables the whale shark to capture larger more active nektonic prey as well as zooplankton aggregations. Therefore, the whale shark may be more dependent on dense aggregations of prey organisms.

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Pescatarian Lifestyle & Best Yachts Under $1,000,000

The Basics of A Pescatarian Lifestyle

By Genevieve Smith

The pescatarian diet is essentially vegetarian, with the addition of fish and seafood. Being meat-and-poultry-free, this is a great way to reap the benefits of a vegetarian diet, but with the bonuses of extra proteins and omega fats. It’s a lifestyle compatible with a fast pace, easily allowing for modifications while dining out. If you’re considering making the switch — either because you’re finding yourself incompatible with the vegetarian diet or a carnivorous one is bringing you down — read on for further inspiration.

What Does a Pescetarian Lifestyle Look Like?

The fun of going pescetarian is the flexibility. It fits into the Mediterranean diet, but you can also choose something more Nordic or Japanese-based. The main point is to eat fruits and vegetables abundantly, pad it out with whole grains, legumes and nuts, and place fish centrally as the main source of protein. There is such a wide variety of seafood to choose from that people find satisfaction in the diversity available to them. Additionally, you can choose to be eco-conscious and look out for environmental health in moderately-sustainable ways within this diet. Choosing from sea life that are raised or fished sustainably and choosing to go organic and/or fair-trade with produce, dairy and grains and more, takes this healthy lifestyle one step further.

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Indian Duck Farming

Indian Runner duck farming is a very common and popular business. Because this breed is highly productive and is very common throughout the world. The breed is native to the Indian-sub-continent and was found on the Indonesian islands of Bali, Java and Lombok.

Although the name of this breed is ‘Indian Runner’, but there is no evidence that they came originally from India. And the breed was probably originated from the East Indies – Java, Lombok and Malaya.

The term ‘Indian’ may well be fanciful, denoting a loading port of the transport by ‘India-men’ sailing ships of the East India Company. And such misname happened with many other waterfowl breeds imported into the America and Europe. For example, the African goose (which is actually not from Africa), the Muscovy duck (which is actually not from Moscow) and the Black East Indian duck (which is actually not from India).

The Indian Runner duck is a very old breed and it has a long history as evidenced by ancient Javan Temple carvings. Which indicates that the Indian Runner type ducks existed in Indo China, 2000 years ago. And people in this area have been raising ducks for hundreds of years. And they trained their ducks to forage on the paddy fields and look for grain, weed seeds, insects, snails, small reptiles, larvae etc.

The Indian Runner duck became popular in America and Europe towards the end of the 19th Century, as a good egg laying duck breed. And today the breed is still a very good eggs layer.

Today, the Indian Runner ducks are mainly raised for their eggs production. And many other good modern duck breeds have been created from the Indian Runner ducks.

However, the Indian Runner ducks are excellent egg layers. They generally lay up to 250 eggs per year. So starting a commercial Indian Runner duck farming business for eggs production can be profitable. And you can also sell the ducks for meat after they have stopped laying eggs.

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