High Performance Computing

  • What do super computers do ?
  • How many supercomputers does India have vs Veto powered USA and CHINA (1 Billion) ?
  • Can CHINA or USA hack into Indian PM or Presidents bank, email or mobile devices ?
  • What are Quantum computers ? What is D-wave and why are there so many supercomputers in America?
  • Can CERN be called a Semi conductor factory ? And can CERN beat Intel in creating the next Pentium IV?

We have moved from room sized systems that were used in MIT and UC Berkley (or Timesharing, Mainframe systems) to Desktop /Palmtops but can a MIT grade supercomputer that solved logistical solutions for World War I be compared to your mobile phones ? Are we headed into the era where in order to Normalise and maintain big data we would need to go back to Heavy electronics i.e. Room sized computers ? In order to solve the challenges on quantum physics is CERN going to discover a Far more powerful Computer that can scrap all the classical computers worthless…?